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Like This Handling Perineum Rupture Level 1-2

Perineal rupture or vaginal tears are common when labor is normal. These tears have different treatments at each level, including levels 1-2 perineal rupture. Perineum is an area of muscle and skin that lies between the vagina and anus. During labor, the fetus will be pushed from the uterus to the vagina. Perineal rupture is characterized by a perineum that is stretched and torn due to contact with the baby's head or limbs through the birth canal.

Management of Perineum Rupture Level 1-2

Perineal rupture can be classified into degrees or grades 1-4. Grade 1 perineal rupture is a condition of the skin torn around the surface of the mouth of the vagina or perineal skin. This condition can cause slight pain or burning or burning sensation when urinating. Grade 1 perineal rupture generally does not require special treatment or only need a few stitches. Level 2 perineal rupture is a condition wherein the muscles of the perineum are torn. The perineal muscle is between the vagina and anus, and functions as a supporting tissue for the rectum, bladder and uterus. Grade 2 perineal rupture requires sutures to close it. Noteworthy, such as healing wound stitches in general, the results of stitches in perineal rupture can cause itching and feel tight in the area around the vagina. However, this condition is quite normal, and will decrease after the body adapts. Women who experience level 1-2 perineal rupture usually feel uncomfortable, especially when sitting upright. Even bowel movements can cause increased pressure on the lower body. Even coughing or sneezing can also be an annoying activity. At the 2nd week, usually a torn wound or stitches will gradually improve. However, nerve and muscle strength need a few more weeks to fully recover.

Relieve Discomfort

To help alleviate discomfort due to torn perineum, several ways can be done. In grade 1 perineal rupture, can be helped with a squeeze bottle filled with warm water. Then pour water from the bottle into the vulva when urinating. In level 2 perineal rupture, there are several things that can be done to overcome discomfort, including:
  • Sit on a cushion or a soft round pad.
  • Compress the wound with an ice pack.
  • Pour warm water over the vulva when urinating and wash thoroughly. Then, while defecating, gently press the clean soft cloth on the injured area.
  • If necessary, seek doctor's advice for pain medications or laxatives.

Efforts to Prevent Tear Perineum

Perineal rupture is more often experienced in women who are giving birth for the first time. Perineal tearing can be performed as a medical procedure by performing an episiotomy, which is carried out according to indications to assist in labor and actually aims to prevent high levels of perineal tearing. Although perineal rupture is a frequent occurrence in labor, there are a number of efforts that can be made to prevent vaginal tears or perineal rupture of level 1-2 during labor, as follows:
  • Consultation with the midwife or doctor since long ago, about when the right time and how strong an effort to push the fetus during childbirth.
  • Perform perineum work for pregnant women that is useful in expediting the delivery process. This massage can stimulate the vaginal tissues to become more flexible and reduce the risk of perineal rupture or episiotomy
  • Pay attention to body position during labor. Some positions can reduce pressure on the perineum. Although not commonly done, but maybe you can choose a more comfortable position for childbirth such as sitting straight, lying sideways, or squatting with your hands on your knees.
  • Ask for help from the closest person to protect the perineum when the fetal head pushes. Help can be by applying a warm and damp cloth around the perineum.
However, often perineal rupture, either level 1-2 or later, cannot be prevented. Consult with a doctor if the area around the stitches feels painful or has a strong odor, because there is a possibility of an infection that needs to be treated immediately.


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