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How to Overcome Cow Milk Allergy in Children

Cow's milk is a drink that is rich in calcium and protein in it. However, there are some children who have cow's milk allergy. In order to keep the nutritional intake needed by children, it is important to find ways to overcome them. Cow's milk allergy is a condition in which the body's immune system responds excessively to the protein content in milk. Children who are allergic to cow's milk will usually show symptoms of itching, vomiting, wheezing or wheezing breath, also indigestion.

If your baby is allergic to cow's milk

Feel your child has a cow's milk allergy? It is advisable to immediately check with a doctor. In order to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will conduct several tests, both blood tests, feces or skin allergy tests. The trick is to inject a small amount of milk protein under the surface of your child's skin. Don't panic if the results are positive. Here are some things you can do, if your child is allergic to cow's milk:
  • Avoid giving cow's milk or foods containing cow's milk.
  • Avoid dairy products and dairy products, if your child still drinks milk. Therefore, milk protein that causes allergies can be integrated into breast milk, and will be dangerous if taken by him.
  • If you are giving Little formula milk, replace the child's milk with soy-based formula milk.
  • If your child is allergic to soy milk, doctors will usually give hypoallergenic formula milk. In this formula milk, protein is broken down into small particles so that it is less likely to trigger allergies.

Treat the Nutrition in This Way

Some studies show that children who do not consume cow's milk tend to experience vitamin D deficiency. But you don't need to worry, because it can be tricked by providing foods that are rich in vitamin D, and contain calcium and protein. Foods that are rich in vitamin D include spinach, broccoli, processed soy products, salmon, tuna, sardines, and eggs. In addition, you can also invite children to play outdoors in the morning, so that they are exposed to sunlight. When exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) light, your child's body will form vitamin D. However, consider also how long and when the right time is exposed to sun exposure. Just being exposed to the morning sun for 10-15 minutes, three times a week, is enough to get your child to get enough vitamin D. Even if a child is diagnosed with cow's milk allergy, don't give up on fulfilling the nutrients he needs. Try to be more creative in providing alternatives or substitute foods, so that the growth and health of the child is maintained. If necessary, consult a doctor for proper treatment.


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