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Learn Preparations and How to Maintain Health during the Hajj

You need to prepare your health since before leaving for the pilgrimage. Apart from vaccines, there are still many other things that must be considered. Then while in the holy land, you must maintain health. The purpose of preparing and maintaining health is to make the entire pilgrimage run smoothly. In addition, with excellent body condition, it is expected that you will be able to adapt to the weather in Saudi Arabia that is different from in Indonesia.

Preparation Begins Before Departure

Health preparations for the pilgrimage began long ago. About one month before departure, you can go to the Hajj organizer. Discuss with the doctor from the organizer about what medical history and health care are needed. Think back, do you have a health condition that requires special attention. If yes, measure yourself whether you are able to deal with conditions in the destination country. If you have a chronic illness, consult a doctor whether you can still travel to the holy land with such conditions. Vaccinate before performing the pilgrimage as required in the holy land. Usually you will be asked to do meningococcal vaccination, as a cause of meningitis. This vaccine is mandatory to avoid outbreaks of disease that have occurred. So important is the vaccine that it is used as one of the conditions for making Hajj visas. Additional vaccines that are recommended before going on pilgrimage are influenza vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, and typhoid and pneumococcal vaccines. These vaccines must be completed at least two weeks before departure. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has also stipulated provisions in the medical examination for prospective pilgrims. There is a series of health checks that must be done. The health check includes physical examination such as vital signs namely, temperature, blood pressure, respiratory rate and pulse, then general physical examinations such as height and weight, skin, head, eyes, ears, and chest examination are followed. Then there are supporting examinations, such as x-rays, urine tests, and electrocardiography (ECG). Previously, doctors will also record the medical history of prospective pilgrims.

Maintaining Health During Hajj

Arriving in the holy land, remain careful to maintain health. Here are a few things to note:
  • When leaving for the Hajj, don't forget to bring your personal medicine. If you are still on medication, bring enough medication to stay there. Also include a doctor's certificate in case any customs officer asks about the medicine.
  • During the pilgrimage, do not forget to drink enough water. The weather is hotter than in the country, so don't get dehydrated. Use a cream that contains sunscreen to keep skin healthy because it is protected from UV rays.
  • Always maintain cleanliness by washing hands frequently with soap. If there is no water, use hand sanitizer.
  • Use disposable razors and don't use personal tools like razors or toothbrushes alternating with others. Because, these tools allow the transmission of diseases through the blood, such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.
  • Also pay attention to the food you consume. Avoid eating foods made from raw milk or undercooked meat. Always wash the fruits before eating. Don't forget to check the expiration date if you consume packaged food or drinks.
When in an open space with thousands of other worshipers, it is important to make efforts to prevent transmission of diseases, such as:
  • Wear a mask during worship.
  • Avoid places that are too crowded, by doing worship outside the busy hours.
  • Keep your distance from other people, avoid getting too close.
  • Immediately stay away from people who are sick, even if only coughing and sneezing.
  • If you cough or sneeze, don't do it carelessly. Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. After that, wash your hands thoroughly.
You should also avoid being close to animals and stay away from their environment, so they don't get contaminated if the animal carries disease. For example camels, which can transmit MERS CoV. Also, be careful when driving. Always use a seat belt when driving. Be careful too if you cross the road. Do not let an accident occur during the pilgrimage. Make sure you are always alert to the conditions around, pay attention to the existing signs, to always be safe and understand what needs to be done in an emergency. By making preparations and how to take care of your health during the pilgrimage, you are expected to avoid diseases and adverse conditions while in the holy land to stay healthy until you return to the homeland.


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